Revolutionizing Gaming: Introducing Cradles Power & Ticket System

2 min readDec 27, 2023


Welcome to a new era in the Cradles universe! Today, we’re excited to unveil our latest innovations that are set to redefine your gaming experience: the Ticket System and Cradles Power. These systems are not just upgrades; they are game-changers, designed to enhance your journey in our world.

The New Ticket System

Gone are the days of the traditional SCRDS system. In its place, we introduce the innovative Ticket System, a transformative approach to in-game earnings. Here’s how it works:

  • Crystal Mining to Tickets: As you explore and conquer in Cradles, your collected crystal mines can now be converted into Tickets through our web portal.
  • Lock-in Period: Each Ticket comes with a lock-in period of three years, amounting to 1,095 days.
  • Unlocking Mechanism: To access your CRDS faster, you can utilize Cradles Power (CP) obtained in-game. By deploying CP on our website, you can significantly reduce the unlock time for your Tickets.

Cradles Power (CP) — Your Accelerator

Cradles Power isn’t just a measure of your prowess in the game; it’s a key to faster rewards.

  • Earning CP: Engage in various weekly and daily tasks within Cradles to earn CP.
  • Speeding Up Withdrawals: When withdrawing CRDS, you can opt to use CP to reduce the waiting period. The formula for reduction is CP/CRDS/10.
  • Minimum and Maximum CP Usage: For a 100 CRDS withdrawal, a minimum of 1 CP can be used to reduce the wait by 0.1%, while a maximum of 900 CP (9 times the CRDS amount) can slash 90% off your waiting time.

Future Enhancements and Community Focus

Our commitment to evolving the Cradles experience doesn’t stop here. We’re planning a series of NFT integrations with the Ticket System, promising rewarding adventures ahead. Stay tuned to our Twitter and Discord for updates. Remember, this overhaul is also an experiment; we’re keen on adapting and improving based on your feedback.

As we roll out these exciting systems, we invite you to dive in and explore the new dimensions they add to your Cradles adventure. Your journey in our world just got more thrilling, and we can’t wait to see how you leverage these innovations. Let the games begin!




Prehistoric AAA ARPG Blockchain Game 🏹Developed by DRepublic Labs. Backed by Animoca Brands. 🔗